Friday, March 21, 2008

First Day of Spring

Is there a better way to celebrate the first day of spring than going to the park with friends? The kids had a great time on the swings (Christine, sorry there is no pic of Atticus).

When it was time to play on the playground, Antalya wasn't too excited. I don't know if it was the weird texture, or the fact that she could see the ground through the holes. But whatever it was, she sure wasn't happy. I couldn't even get her to move. If I put her down sitting, she stayed sitting. If I put her down on her tummy, she stayed on her tummy. Hopefully next time will be better.


Laura said...

Looks like the park was a new adventure, she is so cute!

Sonja said...

I LOVE the scrunched up nose and puckered lips picture. I can't believe how much those kids are growing! I mean, Cincy was just born, wasn't he? What a great day to be at the park! Glad you had fun. :)