Even when used in a joking matter, the word "retard" is so hurtful. It makes me cringe to think Antalya will ever hear that word spoken. Let's all stop saying it, and more importantly teach our kids why having that word in their vocabulary can be so hurtful to so many people.
Actor John C McGinley did a great job of talking about why it is so hurtful and why we should stop using it everyday conversation.
I think that's awesome. I say that word much more than I realized. And even though I am not thinking about it that way, it's true that it is very offensive. So I am on board with stopping the " R " word !
Glad you put this out there for other people who may not be sensitive to the damaging way they occasionally use that word. I WILL NEVER SAY THAT WORD. I've never liked it used in any way and feel even more adamant about it now. Let no sweet child or adult be hurt by such a meaningless word again, one that in no way accurately describes a child of God with unusual and wonderful qualities and abilities.
Amen! I hate that word! Thank you for posting that!
Whenever I hear anyone use that word carelessly, I immediately think less of that person. Perhaps I shouldn't judge them so, but it's just one of those words that people use because its easy. It's one of those "easy" words. Like so many other "easy" words, it is also a sensitive one. I could go on and on about the R word. I hate it too. I hope people can make a conscious effort to stop using that word. Changing word habits is hard, but it can and should be done. Good for you Sunny!
That was really neat! Thank you so much for sharing... it is very true and I will most definitely not say that word and teach my kids to not say it as well! How are you feeling??
I hate that word as well. I don't like to ever hear it even though I know people that do say it don't think about what they are saying. I wish everyone could see the video.
Congrats on baby number 2! I see you are having another little princess! So fun!
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