Sunday, April 12, 2009

An Apostle's Easter Thoughts on Christ

On this Easter Sunday, my heart is full of gratitude to the Savior of mankind who did for us what we could not do for ourselves. He is my light, my example, my friend; and although I'm still a long ways off, each day I am striving to become more like Him.

Happy Easter to us all!


Sonja said...

Wasn't that vid just the best? I was so moved by Elder Holland's words during conference. Thanks for sharing your testimony too!

(Sorry about last week, we didn't make it down there....long story :( Let's plan on the next sunny day, K?

Amber H. said...

Hey, what happened? I started reading the please hold post you had written, but you didn't finish it. So I came on here to read the rest and it's not here? What happened in January? I hope you are ok??