Tuesday, October 7, 2008

When we were told our daughter had Down syndrome, many things passed through my mind. One of my concerns was how would I handle having a child that was so different from other children. But from the day she was born, I have been surprised at how much she is just like other kids. Yeah, she learns things her own way and according to her own time table - but she learns them.

Antalya turns two on Sunday, and in many aspects she is just like what I imagine a two year old to be. She loves to exert her independence, her favorite word is NO!, she loves being with other kids and trying to mimic their actions, she loves getting into things she shouldn't, she wears me out chasing her all day, she has the cutest, mischievous grin I have ever seen, she loves singing songs, reading books, dancing, stacking blocks, and making messes. I wouldn't trade her for the world!

Get It Down; 31 for 21


Taralee said...

Happy Birthday Antalya! We love you!

Linnea said...

What a darling picture. You've captured the sheer delight of childhood.

Christine said...

I wish we could come and see her stuff her face full of cake! Cinci would love to hang out with Antalya! Enjoy celebrating her birthday!

Alexis 18 said...

it's so funny how I can read your posts and feel like you are reading my mind!! It's nice to feel connected to someone even though we don't even know each other that well. I also would never change Leah for the world. I love my boys but I love her in a way that I didn't know was possible!

Laura said...

GREAT POST!!!! She is soooo sweet. Happy birthday early, Jonathan's is Thursday.

Sheridan said...

I love, that ultimately, we all have more similarities than differences! What a great reminder.

Michelle said...

I love your descriptions of your beautiful daughter!